picto FAQ

Espelette Pepper FAQ

How To Recognise True PDO Espelette Pepper ?

Logo du Piment d'Espelette AOPAncien logo du Piment d'Espelette AOP

Only peppers stamped with this logo are PDO Espelette Pepper !

pot, corde et poudre avec le logo AOP

How to store PDO Espelette Pepper ?

Like any natural spice, Espelette Pepper powder should be stored away from light, in a cool and dry place. It does not contain additives, preservatives or colours, which is why it has such exceptional qualities.

Once open, use quickly.


On a daily basis, you can use Espelette Pepper powder in your culinary preparations instead of white or black pepper. For example, you can add a teaspoon of Espelette pepper powder to preparations such as cakes, quiches, omelettes, muffins, sauces (bechamel, vinaigrette, mayonnaise …), marinades and in casseroles (tajines, beef bourguignon, veal sauté…). plus just before serving soup, on raw vegetables, grilled meat and fish. Espelette pepper powder will satisfy everyone’s tastebuds.

To add an original touch, use Espelette Pepper powder on fresh or stewed fruit, shortbread and cocoa … a true delight!

Gros plan sur de la poudre de Piment d'Espelette

How to store a cord of PDO Espelette Peppers ?

Hang your cord of Espelette pepper in your kitchen or a dry, well-ventilated place where it can continue to dry out and take on a deep red colour.


Use as often as necessary, adding pepper directly to a stew, court-bouillon, dishes accompanied by a sauce … or chopped, then gently sautéed in olive oil with garlic as you start to prepare a dish.

Gros plan sur une corde de Piments d'Espelette

Is Espelette Pepper very spicy ?

No, Espelette pepper is more closely associated with sweet peppers than chilli peppers. On the Scoville scale, which measures spiciness, Espelette pepper measures 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 (simplified scale). If we look more closely on the normal scale, Espelette pepper measures between [1500-2500 unités de Scoville], Cayenne pepper [30000-50000 unités de Scoville], and bell pepper [0-100 unités de Scoville].

Espelette pepper on the Scoville scale

Capsaicin, the molecule responsible for the spiciness in Espelette peppers, is fat soluble: it mixes very well with fat, but not with water. To bring out its spiciness, don’t forget to mix with fat.

What are the virtues of Espelette Pepper ?

Espelette Pepper has many culinary virtues: it is a flavour enhancer which brings out the aromas of your dishes without masking them, providing a touch of gentle spiciness.

Picto section Recettes pimentées


Fête du piment 2024

Recette de potimarron camembert et piment d’Espelette

Attention certaines dates évoluent au syndicat !

Macaron au chocolat et au piment d’Espelette


Cream of red kuri squash soup with PDO Espelette Pepper

From starter to dessert

picto section Ils parlent de nous


Mains tenant 4 Piments d'Espelette rouges

When tasting Espelette Pepper powder, first inspect, sniff, then let it invade the palate, creating a sort of culinary magic prolonged by a crescendo of delicately sweet flavours with subtle and sophisticated aromas of tomatoes and peppers… …

Long finish,

Its aromatic sophistication and persistent flavour are the signature taste of Espelette Pepper.

A source of inspiration for numerous recipes,

An ally for our well-being,

A truly invigorating and dietary jewel …

LAURENCE LASTIRI, Espelette Pepper Producer in Itxassou

Portrait dessiné d'Hélène Darroze

At my restaurant everything is seasoned with Espelette Pepper. It’s a cultural thing. It’s delicious mixed with butter on toast, in ice-cream or in a pastry base for a boletus pie.

Hélène Darroze, Chef at the “Hélène Darroze” restaurant in Paris.
Elle Magazine, 10 June 2014

Portrait de Gilles Choukroun

Hidden behind the need to precisely dose Espelette Pepper is also the chef’s respect for the producer. Using an ingredient which demands so much intricate work to produce and harvest requires respect.

Gilles Choukroun, Chef at the MBC restaurant, Paris.

It saturates an omelette, it sets soup on fire, it’s king.

Gaétan Bernoville on Espelette Pepper in 1934, in his work “The Basque Country” (éditions J. de Gigord)